Shaman drum making course at Koli
Drum Workshop, Spells & magic incantations, and the Landscape of Koli
Autumn Equinox Circle
Thursday-Sunday, September 18-21, 2025
Kolin Mattila, Koli National Park
Jaana Louhelainen & Helena Karhu
Welcome to celebrate the autumn equinox and the colors of fall in Koli National Park!
North Karelians Jaana and Helena invite you into the heart of Koli’s nature to bring a new drum into this world. This may be your first drum or your next one. Your drum will accompany you on your life’s path, opening, softening, and joyfully illuminating the natural worlds that reveal themselves through the rhythm of the drum’s heartbeat.
Drums are used in nature-based cultures worldwide. The sound of the drum echoes the rhythm of a mother’s heart, carrying the creative energy that arises from Mother Earth’s love and support. In the loving circle of Louhen Polku, we will feel safe and at ease in creating beauty in the world.
During this workshop, we will birth new drums in the embrace of Koli, in deep connection with its ancient soil, the oldest bedrock in Europe, and the old Karelian spruces. Each drum crafted in this workshop will receive its own power words—a personal spell that you can speak or sing whenever you take up your drum. Spells help us call forth the spirit of the drum, raise energy for working with it, and invite the forces of friendship, connection, and nature’s power at the roots of our cultural heritage.
No prior experience with spells is required; together, we will explore and open ourselves to this mystical natural dimension that breathes life into our folk traditions. The workshop will begin with a lecture on spells by Helena, followed by an experiential journey into nature to seek a deeper connection between words and the natural world. This will also be an opportunity to collect materials for a drumstick or holding stick for your drum.
As part of the workshop, you will also receive a private tour of the Koli’s Spell-Drums Exhibition at the Ukko Nature Center, featuring Jaana’s elk-hide spell drums, the Ukon Puhe – Thunder Drum by Tapani Hietalahti and Taina Pailos, photographs by Karoliina Gavrilov, and a soundscape where Helena reads Jaana’s spells to the drums.
Spells are at the core of Finnish folk tradition, a unique part of our cultural roots. Together, we will experience and immerse ourselves in the enchanting world of spells, deepening our connection to the ancestors who walked before us.
During this workshop, we will focus on creation spells (syntyloitsut), as they align with drum-making. Creation spells speak of the beginning of all things, of the origins, where we too begin. It is a time of new beginnings, where our drums will be born. Our inner and outer nature meet, and the journey begins. This is our shared adventure—one that will resonate in our bodies and echo in our ears. We are at the heart of North Karelian nature and the wisdom of the heart, in communion with all living beings. We have come home—to ourselves and to nature.
The cozy log-house setting of Kolin Mattila provides a warm and safe gathering place for our circle of friends. With the spirit of Koli, we will ascend towards the peaks and lift our arcs towards the September stars.
Drum Workshop Instructor:
Drum Mother – Jaana Louhelainen
Jaana Louhelainen, known as Louhen Akka, is a nature and energy healer from North Karelia, a drum maker, and a teacher of drum crafting. To her, drums are much more than instruments—they are ancient voices that resonate deep within the heart, guiding us along a path where wisdom and intuition walk hand in hand.
Jaana’s first drum was born in 2013 in Valtimo, in the heartbeat of Mother Earth. It was not just a drum—it was a deep vibration, awakening memories of ancient times and opening a gateway to connection with nature and spirit beings. For her, drums are paths leading to the heart’s wisdom and deeper into the mysteries of the world.
Jaana founded Louhen Polku in 2016, though its roots extend far into her life. Her journey with the drum has been like a trail through the forest, revealing new vistas and secrets along the way. On this path, where work, passion, and life merge into one, she shares the wisdom and power she has received with others.
Creating a drum is like casting a spell—a sacred ritual woven into the quiet of nature and the fields of power. Louhen Polku’s drum magic is born in places where the Earth pulses, and the sky’s magic intertwines with all elements. Drums are not mere instruments; they are sacred carriers of an ancient tradition, guiding us into nature, magic, and the depths of memory.
When a drum is born, it comes to life. It carries roots reaching deep into the Earth and branches stretching towards the sky. This connection forms slowly but surely. A drum is not just an object—it is a living being, carrying ancestral memories, the magic of ancient spells, and the secrets of nature. It unveils the forces hidden within the Earth and the heavens, inviting the player to embark on a journey deep into themselves and the world around them.
Helena Karhu
I am a shamanism teacher and practitioner, a mother of twins, and a cultural researcher based in North Karelia. I run Karhun Talo (House of the Bear), which I founded ( My family roots are entirely from North Karelia and Karelia. I am writing a Ph.D. dissertation on Finnish shamanism at the University of Eastern Finland in Joensuu.
I serve as the chairperson and founding member of the Pielinen Knowledge Center Association ( After spending over 13 years in Copenhagen, as well as living in Greenland and Alaska, I returned to Joensuu in 2018. The spirits of the northern ancestors and nature call me to share about the northern landscapes, the indigenous shamanic tradition, and how to bridge ancient methods with modern possibilities.
I was brought to Koli for the first time as a 7-month-old baby. Koli and Lake Pielinen are the most sacred places in the world to me, forever inspiring awe and reverence.
Workshop Location:
Kolin Mattila, situated in the heart of Koli National Park, within walking distance of Koli’s peaks and harbor. Kolin Mattila offers a peaceful and traditional setting for our workshop. This beautiful log house amidst nature provides a tranquil environment for our gathering. We will also enjoy home-cooked meals and a cozy wood-heated sauna in the forest.
More details:
Is This Workshop for Me?
This workshop is open to everyone who feels a natural interest in its themes. The workshop is alcohol-free and drug-free, and all meals are vegetarian. Please note that the venue is not wheelchair accessible and requires a normal level of mobility.
Registration & Fees:
Workshop Fee:
450 EUR (incl. 25.5% VAT) – includes drum materials and workshop content.
Accommodation with full board:
360 EUR (incl. VAT) per person for three nights, in shared rooms (includes all meals from Thursday dinner to Sunday lunch). No single rooms available.
Maximum Participants: 10
Register here:
Questions? Contact:
Workshop fee does not include travel expenses or insurance. Participants must read Karhun Talo’s liability waiver and cancellation policy: