Wednesday- Sunday 11.-15. June 2025

Metsäkämppä, Rautavaara, Finland


Learn healing traditions in sauna with Justina Maslauskaite (Lithuania). Experience the traditional sauna of an old lumberjacks’ lodge by Tiilikkajärvi National Park. Connect with the natural healing medicines during the 5 days together in the woods.


Sauna and its healing powers were known for generations from the very ancient times and cultures. This topic can be discussed, researched, and nurtured with love and passion endlessly. The history of Sauna dating thousands of years show that a human being used Sauna for a shelter, warmth and even food preparation. Yet, the Sauna space often was used for ceremonies, blessings and various events of human’s life to be celebrated, sanctified and strengthened. Many ceremonies took place in this small, dark, moist space of Sacred fires and Sacred waters. In Sauna we strengthen, renew and heal from within.

Inspiring and creating the Sauna having purpose of healing we always align and embrace the unity between human being and Nature. Our Mother land offers us various ways of how to unfold our health and body wisdom through senses, touch, powers of plants, spells and songs, all other inherited knowledge. The steam room becomes a sacred space for a gentle transformation where we restore the physical and spiritual well-being. 

May we all explore how can we built up the healing magics in Sauna and what elements could be used? This time I cordially offer longer course with expanded approach to every element that may act as a healing power in the Sauna. What materials and elements are important, how we move and use the gifts of Nature for healing: Löyly, heat, plants, water, salt, other nurturing materials?

I believe that the sauna is one of the strongest places for healing and place where we truly can celebrate the Life-force.


11.6 Wednesday – Opening

17:00 Gathering around Sacred Fires in Drums’ circle – Opening circle

Introduction of the circle

Lecture (~2 hours)


Evening Sauna for relaxing, getting to know each other. Sleep.


126. Thursday – Cleansing

Morning meal

9:30 Meditation and connecting to your own body fluids and the local area (~30 min.)

Connecting to the waters and fluids by walk in Nature (1 hour)

Lecture (~2 hours)


Preparation for afternoon sauna: preparing cleansing approaches and elements for sauna treatments and healing, using aspects, that were shared in the mornings session (~1 hour)

Sauna healing ceremony where we all will be practicing cleansing aspect.


Discussion, experiences and round off the day. Sleep.

13.6 Friday – Vastaa/Vihta

Morning meal

9:30 Meditation and connecting to the Powers of plants (~30 min.)

Connecting to the Land by walk in Nature and having an intent, shared in the morning (1-2 hours)



‘Cold’ practicing to use and move with Vastaas.

Preparation for Sauna using aspects, that were shared during the day.

Sauna healing ceremony where we all will be practicing plants applications and moving with Vastaas.


Discussion, experiences and round off the day. Sleep.

14.6 Saturday – Nurturing

Morning meal

9:30 Meditation for sending love to our body parts (~1 hour, joga mats and blankets will be needed)

Connecting to all what surrounds us by walk in Nature (1 hour)



How we combine all the aspects of healing sequence of Sauna. Preparation for Sauna using what has been learnt in the morning session.

Sauna healing ceremony where we all will be practicing nurturing potential of Sauna elements, if needed repeating what has been learnt in previous days.


Discussion, experiences and round off the day. Sleep.

15.6 Sunday

Morning meal

10:00 Reflections of the experiences, questions and sharing. 

Lunch and packing for journey home

14:00 Gathering around Sacred Fires in Drums circle – Closing circle

About the course teacher, Justina Maslauskaite (Lithuania):

Sauna tradition and world-wide phenomena especially in Finland and Baltic countries is what interests and attracts Justina most. This wisdom is most beloved way to nurture and improve human's body and soul wellbeing. After years of practicing a ceremonial sauna healing with trees and other plants, this year Justina got a professional diploma for the sauna treatments. She mostly practices and applies traditional elements in Baltic sauna, integrating the ceremonial approach to celebrating life and healing human’s body, mind, spirit. Nature is very important to her, so she spends most of free time exploring the wild and wisdom of the land.
This course is created to share deeper understanding of Sauna and power of healing in a ceremonial way, applying elements of Nature that surrounds us. Justina is a psychologist and bodyworker in massage therapy, where she applies different techniques when working with a person. She is a practitioner of the Polynesian MA-URI® Healing Arts. For years, Justina has been interested in the cultures and practices of indigenous people, and transmits the Baltic cultural heritage and wisdom.


Course location:

We will meet by Tiilikkajärvi National Park in Rautavaara, Finland.

The address of the place is Metsäkartanontie 700, Rautavaara.

The closest airports are Kuopio and Joensuu. The nearest train station is in Nurmes. You can only get there by private cars, but we help each other coordinate rides.

Metsäkämppa is an authentic lumberjacks’ cottage, located 1.5 kilometers from the main building of Metsäkartano ( Built in 1955, the lodge has been modernised with electricity, heating, and running water. It is a very beautiful and safe place in the middle of the woods and by the lake. The traditional and big sauna building is perfect for our sauna healing course. Please notice, that there are no single rooms available; only shared rooms and bunk beds in traditional lumberjack style.

The accommodation. Photo by Metsäkartano.

The sauna. Photo by Metsäkartano.

The pier to the Lake Ylä-Keyritty. Photo by Metsäkartano.


The course fee is 390 EUR as an Early-Bird rate, when you register by 31st of December 2024. After this year, the course fee is 450 EUR.

You can sign up by paying the registration fee 70 EUR (incl. 25,5 % VAT), which is reduced from the course fee. Please register here (see the language button on the upper right corner:

The final payment is to be made by 18th of May 2025.

In addition to this, there is accommodation in a cottage for 4 nights in shared rooms for a total of approximately 97-165 EUR (incl. VAT) / per person (the final price will depend on the amount of participants – the more we are, the less the accommodation will cost).

The meals (lunch, dinner) are 16-18 EUR/meal/person, and we coordinate the meals according to the group wishes. Everybody will bring their own breakfast items. Notice: Only shared rooms available! If you like to have your own private room, it might be possible to arrange it 1 km away at the Metsäkartano main area.)

The course fee does not include trips or travel insurance. Think carefully before signing up for the course, as there are binding registrations for the course. Please read reservation and cancellation terms and conditions and disclaimer rules:

Please note that this course has stricter cancellation conditions and binding registration due to the very small group and the travel costs of international guest. Thank you for your understanding! <3

Questions by email:

Have good sauna time, everyone!