My sauna-therapeutic work is simple, down-to-earth, intuitive, and based on GRANDMA-BASED tradition. I trust the relaxing world of the sauna, which promotes holistic well-being, connection with nature, and cultural traditions.
I have been learning about sauna culture and therapy since a little girl from my grandmother Tyyne, who lived in Liperi in North Karelia. My grandmother was born in a sauna, and she knew all about it. My childhood circle of life at my grandmother's cottage was strongly centered around the sauna. I am offering traditional Finnish sauna treatments based on this lived experience and knowledge that has been naturally part of all my life.
Traditional Finnish blood cupping
I am happy about the age-old tradition and beauty of Finnish folk healing traditions for the benefit of our holistic well-being. I have taken Cupping 1 and 2 courses in 2016 under the guidance of my cupping teacher Sanna-Kaisa “Ratanaula” Ilmarinen at Frantsila training center in Hämeenkyrö. Ratanaula is one of Finland's most distinguished cuppers and cupping teachers. I have continued to learn under Ratanaula's guidance. An important person on my cupping path has also been master cupper, cupping ax forger Miika Kytökorpi, whom I met at the same cupping course in early 2016. If necessary, you can ask me about cupping as part of the sauna event.
Sauna destinations in north karelia
I offer services in the saunas of my local business partners. For example, the beach sauna of Vainoniemi villa in Joensuu, the smoke sauna of Korven Kota by Koli National Park, the sauna world of Kotakylä in Juuka, the saunas of Metsäkartano in Rautavaara, and other wonderful saunas in our region are favorite destinations. We have focus on comfort, cleanliness, and atmosphere of the sauna for your relaxation and well-being.
Ceremonial sauna evenings
You can also ask me about more ceremonial sauna evenings, such as bridal saunas.
“I hope that our retreat time together will bring you closer to the essence of this land, the beauty, and balancing strength of North Karelia. The purpose of retreat is that the effects and practices can be integrated to your home environment and everyday life.”
“Captivating teacher, who delivers from the depths of the heart. The contents of the retreat were wide-reaching. I discovered the joy and freedom of being, that everything necessary is already here and now. I feel relaxed and inspired. ”
“Helena is magical teacher, who is able to guide everyone the way they need.”
Helena Karhu
+358 (0)40 5148788
Based in Joensuu, Finland.