Sacred Journey and Pilgrimage
around Koli and Lake Pielinen 8.-14. June 2026
One Secret, One Spirit,
One happiness of Both
Is this church
Its holiness we will always remember.
Words written by Finnish painter Eero Järnefelt about 100 years ago
in the wall of the Devil’s Church Cave in Koli
Guided by Anna-Katariina Hollmérus and Helena Karhu
Walking together in Koli region.
This is a nature-spiritual pilgrimage around the sacred lake of North Karelia, the Lake Pielinen, which is one of the biggest lakes of Finland. We come together in deep ecological spirit, where our intention is to walk softly on this Northern Nature. This is our veneration to the Spirits of the Lake Pielinen and all those ancient ones around it. We will celebrate all the old and new life that is blossoming around these sacred waters. On our shamanic pilgrimage, we devote our time for full-time service for peace of nature, both as inner and outer landscape of our being. We come together to connect, to remember, and to give sustenance to our purpose of life in sacred reciprocity.
This is a possibility for you to deepen your animistic-shamanic, eco-spiritual life-world by learning about ritual and ceremonial work, as well as about shamanic journey work, from Anna-Katariina and Helena. Or perhaps you join us just connect to nature in deeper way, and to walk the path of peace of nature. Most of all, we all will learn directly from nature, as we visit for honoring together these incredible natural sites. We visit sites, where our ancestor shamans, sages, wise women and men have done their contemplations and healing work for hundreds and even thousands of years.
There are no special requirements for this journey, but everyone interested can join as they are.
We will be spending time and sit in earth-honoring ceremony in all cardinal directions of the lake. Our journey takes us to important ancestral sacred nature sites of North Karelia, “the forest temples”, and Old Stones.
What is a pilgrimage?
Pilgrimage means a journey which has its purpose to expand our understanding on the meaning of life, to find out what is there in the unknown, to embrace the vastness of our own being, to find new aspects of ourselves, and to experience transformation through the sacred connection with all of life. It can offer a life-changing journey to deepen your understanding about your own purpose, and about everything in existence. We can walk into our personal peace and compassion.
Or it can be your walk into the landscape: To experience yourself as part of this earth, this land, these waters, and this nature. You might long for deeper nature experiences and become one with it all. To be in your own nature, within this nature, trusting nature.
In a nature-spiritual pilgrimage such as this, we will celebrate by giving gratitude to the beauty of nature, to return to our ritual and ceremonial inner nature, to nurture the mystic within us, and to walk together with all the beings in the animal-, plant-, and star kingdoms and alike. How can we all serve better here for common good?
Scientific research has shown that pilgrimage can have also psychological, spiritual, social, and biological healing and therapeutic effects. The metaphysical qualities of the natural power places and the healing ceremonies can affect us in multiple ways of strength and vitality. We all can benefit of the beauty of ceremony and sacred journey in these times, when there is so much collective imbalance, duality, and grief in the world. We take this journey to bring balance and harmony to the whole extent of our being and relationships.
Water Ceremonies
The most important part of the journey will be the possibility to honor the natural spirits and ancestors of this Lakeland – all those who have walked here before us – to send and collect the healing powers for those who need it at this time.
Ceremony in traditional church boat in the Northern shore of Lake Pielinen
During the pilgrimage, we will get to experience shamanic ceremonies that honor the waters – we will give special focus on venerating the spirits of the lake. The water ecosystems are most important and precious life-giving systems. We can never do enough rituals to send our gratitude and love to these waters and celebrate life together! We will beautify and dance in our ceremonies, as we learn and experience about the enchantment of the life-nurturing shamanic ceremonies that are based on the sacred reciprocity.
During this pilgrimage, we have wonderful to opportunity to take part and witness one of the most experienced and dedicated spiritual water ceremonists of the world, Anna Katariina Hollmérus. Anna-Katariina has travelled extensively all around the world in her calling to honor sacred waters, to meet Elders, and to give her contribution in her work with crystals, waters, and divine spirits.
Anna-Katariina shares about this work:
Photo: Anna-Katariina Hollmérus
“After years of exhibitions and concerts in many countries, the waters and spirits of ancient sites called me. Water is fluid consciousness, emotional intelligence, and answers to our emotions. It contains the trinity: liquid, vapor and ice. Water has been the way to connect to the holy in all cultures around the world. Wonderful teachers gave me knowledge and love on my path for the work that is to come: Ailo Gaup (Sami shaman, Norway), Wai turoa Morgan (Maori matakite NZ), Angaangaq (Greenland), Ahamkara (Altai, Siberia).
I have been working with the waters all over Scandinavia. With the whales and water-beings.
New water codes are coming in for the new earth and humanity. The healing will come though the waters. Nature, with all its inhabitants has been my teacher. From nature to art and from art to nature.”
The oldest bedrock in whole Europe
Next to the fluidity of water element, our stable ground of being is nurtured by the strong mountains and earth.
The sacred nature site of Koli is geologically the oldest bedrock of the European continent. It is over 2,6 milliard years old. The rock base is mostly white quartzite (geologically 85-95% of the whole rock base), and you can walk on many bare white rock surfaces on the top of Koli mountain.
From the nature-spiritual point of view, the fact that this incredibly beautiful natural power place is also the oldest rock of the whole Europe, it adds to our knowledge on its significance. It is like the Oldest of the Wise Ones, the natural place that has the oldest knowledge and experience, that has seen it All. The shamanic history and the natural beauty of the place calls for one of the most significant shamanic destinations in the world. The archeological evidence shows that people have lived around here even 10.000 years ago.
We will activate our barefoot-memory, and have a possibility to walk barefooted in these powerful rocks and lakeside beaches.
The Bear Head at Paalasmaa. Stillness of Lake Pielinen. Photo: Helena Karhu
What kind of places do we visit?
We will start the journey from the sacred mountain of Koli, which is the heart of the region. You will hear the stories and experience the important places in this area. Even if you would have visited Koli before, you might learn something new about these places. We will also make a boat journey to some of the islands on the lake, starting from the harbor of Koli.
By the shores of Lake Pielinen, we will allow our pilgrimage to take shape as we walk. We will visit for example the Paalasmaa Archipelago of the lake, where we travel with car ferry. Paalasmaa Island is the highest island in Finland. The archipelago has for example the Bear Island (Karhusaari) and the Elk Island (Hirvisaari). We will visit some magical places there, and make a water ceremony together. One of the places we visit is the top of Heart Hill (Sydänvaara), where we have panoramic view to the whole region.
Our journey will continue to the North of the lake in Nurmes. Here, we walk the north shore and see its sacred sites and hold ceremony. One of the sacred places is by the old Orthodox tsasouna. Nurmes area is full of sacred nature sites, and we listen with sensitive ear, which call our group for visit. In the eastern shore, we make the ceremony at Lieksa. Here, you have the possibility to visit also the incredible outdoor museum of Pielinen, which is the largest open air museum of Finland.
We will complete the journey at Vuonislahti, from where we can see the mountains of Koli on the other side of the lake. Here, we complete our circle. It is possible to visit also the late local sculpturer Eva Ryynänen’s ateljee and wooden church, where the totemistic wooden sculptures and animistic spirits can inspire us. We visit some incredible old Spruces, and listen to their stories. We whisper to them, what we have learned, and give back.
May we walk in friendship.
How we do this pilgrimage?
We will walk a lot in nature during this pilgrimage, but because of the long distance (we will travel all together about 300 km) for this time frame, we need to be also using car transportation. Some of the distances will be covered by using cars (by using shared rides all the participants together). We will spend a lot of time in nature around the lake, walk in nature, and make a journey with traditional boat to the waters.
Concerning the accommodation during the journey: You can do this either with almost no costs by using a tent, or you have an alternative to stay in guest houses or hotels. We will give different options for each participant.
You can alternative book this journey with accommodation and travels includes through local Äksyt Ämmät travel agency:
How to get there?
We start this journey from Joensuu, which offers the meeting point to get together and drive towards Koli National Park. We will circumambulate the lake clockwise.
Is the pilgrimage right for me?
The pilgrimage is suitable for everyone who can participate for the entire duration of the journey. Our pilgrimage time together is alcohol-free and drug-free. We suggest that the meals during the pilgrimage are vegetarian.
What is special about our pilgrimage in June 2026?
Anna-Katariina answers:
“We will learn Soul Sound Signature through our unique voices . We will journey to Hear and listen to the new Song and new frequency of mother earth, her Elements, her inhabitants . We are called to deepen our connection through voice ,sound and toning.”
Pilgrimage guide and coordinator of the journey:
Helena Karhu
I am a North-Karelian tradition keeper, culture producer, and researcher. My parents took me around Lake Pielinen and to the sacred mountain of Koli for the first time, when I was a 7-months old baby. Now, it is time to make the pilgrimage once again!
The soul task of my life is within Karhun Talo (House of Bear), which aims to remember our deep connection with nature, as the source of awakening and awareness, wellbeing, and connectedness for everyone in community. I wish to understand, remember, and live folk cultures and wisdom traditions together with all of you. I am a chairwoman of a local culture association called Pielisen Tietäjäkeskus ry., which aims to promote, strengthen, and live the ancestral wisdom traditions of North Karelia.
My world journeys have taken me across the Northern and Arctic regions in quest for meaning of life. My passion is to bring forth the light-increasing, co-operative, and empowering aspects of the ancestral practice, where everyone can rest as they are, yet have freedom to become who they are. As a pilgrimage guide, my ambition is to be of inspiring and positive guidance, where simplicity and naturalness of life are the key focus. The work is done with great respect and listening of the spirits and sensitivities of nature.
Ceremonial, shamanic guide:
Anna-Katariina Hollmérus
The ceremonies around Lake Pielinen will be guided by shaman-artist Anna-Katariina Hollmérus.
Anna-Katariina Hollmérus is a free artist in the field of art and music, voice, sound (drum, singing bowls ..). Her life work is dedicated as an energy healer, where she does multidimensional grid work and healing, crystal gridwork, dragon lines, ley lines. Her main energy work is as a sacred water carrier, where her work is with water ceremonies, honoring the waters. She has educated herself also in wild plants (Fischer Rizzi), functional voice therapy (Heptner), singing bowl therapy (p.hess), mental sleep and many others. Anna-Katariina’s spiritual journey has taken her Journeys to many old sites and countries that were divinely orchestrated, such as Egypt, Altai (Siberia), Nepal, and New Zealand.
Photo: Anna-Katariina Hollmérus
Together Anna-Katariina and Helena create a friendly duo, who are here to walk with you and to coordinate the practical aspects on this pilgrimage journey:
Anna-Katariina and Helena after ceremonial visit at Pirunkirkko Cave at Koli.
You have an option to make the accommodation bookings through us, or take care of your own accommodation. You can take care of your own accommodation, if you prefer hotel accommodation for more comfort, or alternatively free-of-charge camping at nature sites.
The accommodation places that can be booked through us are private local guest houses, and at Nurmes for two night, simple camping cottages.
Kolin Mattila Guest House in the middle of Koli National Park.
Our recommended accommodation options with prices (payment directly to the accommodation during the trip):
Kolin Mattila Guest House at Koli National Park: accommodation for 3 days in a shared room, incl. breakfast, dinner and sauna) 8.-11. June 2026 (Accommodation prices are confirmed later this year)
Hyvärilä, Nurmes: accommodation for 2 days (not including meals). The price of the camping cabin depends on whether they accommodate 1-4 people. It is possible to stay in a very simple camping cabin (the cabins don’t have bathrooms, but the bathrooms are available in a separate service building) or in your own tent. (Accommodation prices are confirmed later this year)
Kestikievari Herranniemi, Vuonislahti: accommodation for 1 day with full board (incl. dinner and breakfast and Sunday lunch) Kestikievari in Herranniemi (Accommodation prices are confirmed later this year)
Our wish is, that everyone would choose to accommodate the last night at guesthouse Kestikievari Herranniemi at Vuonislahti, where we celebrate and conclude our journey together.
Photo: Kestikievari Herranniemi
How to get here?
We will meet at Joensuu, where there is the closest airport and railwaystation.
This is the preliminary program, but we will allow the spirits guide our journey as we move forward each day. Please join with sense of flexibility and adventure.
Day 1 – Monday 8. June:
15.00- Arrivals to Joensuu, Finland – car pools and group transfers for reducing ecological imprint
Drive to Kolin Mattila guest house at Koli
17.00 First gathering and getting to know each others – first offerings to nature
18.00 Accommodation and welcoming dinner at Kolin Mattila guest house
19.00 Preparing for the sauna
Sauna – purifying rituals for the pilgrimage with traditional wooden vastas
Day 2 – Tuesday 9. June:
07.00 Morning meditation
08.00 Breakfast at Kolin Mattila guest house
09:00 Journey to the sacred sites at Koli National Park.
Pilgrimage journey
Water Ceremony by Lake Pielinen with Anna Katariina.
Lunch (picnic by our own cost)
17.00 Evening meditation
18.00 Accommodation and dinner at Kolin Mattila guest house
19.00 Sauna
Day 3 – Wednesday 10. June:
07.00 Morning meditation
08.00 Breakfast
09:00 Journey to the Lake Pielinen by boat and visiting the beautiful islands at the lake
Water Ceremony at the island
Lunch time (our own snacks)
Visiting sacred water walls at Koli
18.00 Accommodate and have dinner at Kolin Mattila guest house
Day 4 – Thursday 11. June:
07.00 Morning meditation
08.00 Breakfast time
09:00 Driving to Paalasmaa Islands – the highest islands of Lake Pielinen
Water Ceremony at Paalasmaa
Lunch outdoors
Visiting sights on the shores towards Nurmes
Driving to Nurmes
Evening meditation by Lake Pielinen
Accommodation in Nurmes at Hyvärilä
Day 5 - Friday:
07.00 Morning meditation by the lake
08.00 Breakfast time
09.00 The whole day:
Visit to the Sacred nature sites in Nurmes area
Water Ceremony on the Northern shore of Lake Pielinen
Accommodation in Nurmes
Day 6 Saturday.
08.00 Breakfast
09.00 Driving to Lieksa.
10.00 Water Ceremony in the Eastern shore of Lake Pielinen.
Possibility to visit the outdoor museum of Pielinen.
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Continue drive to Vuonislahti.
14.00 Visiting the wooden church and ateljee of Eva Ryynänen.
16.00 Dinner, sauna, and accommodation in Kestikievari Herranniemi in Vuonislahti.
Evening meditation by the lake guided by Helena
Day 7 - Sunday.
07.00 Morning meditation by the lake
08.00 Breakfast.
09.00 Concluding water ceremony by Lake Pielinen
Lunch at Kestikievari Herranniemi
Final circle to contemplate our journey.
Return to Joensuu
You can sign up by using this registration form:
If necessary or any questions, please send e-mail to
The offering for the pilgrimage guides is either 390 EUR or 500 EUR according to your possibilities, including 25,5% VAT including the guidance at the pilgrimage program.
In addition to this, accommodation and meals, and travel costs will be covered by each participants. You can decide yourself, if you want to accommodate during the journey in a tent, cabin, or in the hotel. You will be offered different alternatives in each destination.
Please notice, that there can come small additional costs for example from boat trips to the islands of the lake.
The offering does not include travel or travel insurance. Please read Karhun Talo's reservation and cancellation conditions:
May you walk in beauty
May you walk in peace
This pilgrimage is the winner of Scandinavian Outdoor Award TRAVEL:
Warfield, Heather A.; Baker, Stanley B.; Foxx, Sejal B. Parikh (14 September 2014). "The therapeutic value of pilgrimage: a grounded theory study". Mental Health, Religion & Culture. 17 (8): 860–875. doi:10.1080/13674676.2014.936845. ISSN 1367-4676. S2CID 143623445.
Please read more about the sacred geology of the area from my blog post here: