Join Us for a Full Moon Circle:

Embrace Community Across Time and Space


 Thursday 14 November 2024 at 18.00-20.00


 The Whale Medicine:

How to deepen your shamanic service?

Guided by Angajoq Nattoralissuaq (Greenland / Denmark) and Helena Karhu (Finland)

Dear Friends Around the World,

You are warmly invited to join us under the light of the full moon for a circle of togetherness and community that spans forests, oceans, and transcends time and place.

During this full moon gathering, we will come together for medicine songs, engage in discussions about shamanic healing, and participate in a shared full moon ritual. Together, we will explore questions such as: How can we deepen our shamanic service work? What does profound work mean to us? And how might the whales of Greenlandic waters guide us during this November Full Moon?

We will also connect with the Whale Medicine of this Full Moon to explore themes of ethics and trust on the shamanic path. What insights might Angajoq offer about the ethical foundations of shamanic work as we delve deeper? How can we enhance our understanding and practice from this point forward?

One way we will deepen our connection through Whale Medicine is by using song and sound medicine, deep listening, and clairaudience. Together, we will harmonize our songs to activate our ancestral memory and enhance our collective experience.

This online gathering allows us to unite friends and curious souls from around the world, bridging geographical distances and strengthening our circle. Even though we may be far apart, our shared presence will create a strong, supportive community. This full moon is an opportunity to experience a sense of togetherness and recognize that we are not alone in our shamanic practices. Let us celebrate our diversity and similarities, finding joy and inspiration in what we share and learn from our differences.

We look forward to sharing this special evening with you! 

”The Shaman helps you finding into yourself. And to interact your body, mind, and Spirit.

It helps you to understand who you are and to come home to yourself in your heart.

The Spirit will lift you up. And your heart will smile in joy and your body being healed and transformed.“  -  Angajoq Nattoralissuaq, Greenlandic shaman and healer


About the guides:

Angajoq Nattoralissuaq:

Angajoq is a Greenlandic shaman, born in Greenland, currently living in Denmark. He is a trainer psychotherapist. Angajoq has family members who were and are shamans, such as his late grandmother, and his great uncle Angaangaq. Angajoq has organized many years Earth Day gatherings in front of the Danish parliament house, for voicing the message of sustainable and harmonious relationship of people and all of earth. He has hold workshops on shamanism and gives private shamanic healing sessions in Denmark and abroad.

Helena Karhu:

I am a North-Karelian shamanic teacher-practitioner. My ancestors both from paternal and maternal lineages come only from Karelia region. My spirit connects to the mountain of Koli (in its old name Mustarinda), the oldest rock in the whole continent. The Lake where my spirit resides is Lake Pielinen. The soul task of my life is within Karhun Talo (House of Bear), which aims to remember our deep connection with nature, as the source of awareness, wellbeing, and connectedness for everyone in community. I wish to understand, remember, and live folk cultures and wisdom traditions together with all of you. I am a chairwoman of a local culture association called Pielisen Tietäjäkeskus ry., which aims to promote, strengthen, and live the ancestral wisdom traditions of North Karelia. I am a bear mother for twins, and the motherly love is the core of my heart. By my education I am a cultural researcher, and I am still in the process of writing a PhD on the reframing of shamanism in Finland.

My world journeys have taken me across the Northern and Arctic regions in quest for meaning of life and for meeting my teachers as the power places of nature. I have lived short periods in Greenland and Alaska, and many years in Denmark.

My passion is to bring forth the light-increasing, co-operative, and empowering aspects of the ancestral practice, where everyone can rest as they are, yet have freedom to become who they are. As a retreat guide, my ambition is to be of inspiring and positive guidance, where simplicity and naturalness of life are the key focus.

“I have known the Greenlandic shaman Angajoq for 10 years, and experienced together with him many things from shamanic healings to community action, to teaching courses together. It is now the first time that we offer an online event together. Let’s be together across the oceans this evening, under the full moon blessings!” Helena

Time Zone:

The event is 18.00-20.00 at Finnish time, which is EEST time.

The event is in Denmark time 17.00-19.00.

London time: 16.00-18.00

New York time: 10-12 am.

Tokyo time at midnight: 11 pm – 1 am.

Signing up:

As part of our commitment to preserving our natural world, a portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to Greenpeace’s ocean conservation program.

The participation fee for the evening is 50 EUR (incl. 10% VAT) and can be reserved here (please see the language button on the upper right corner):

We have discounted places for half price for people with low income, who would like to join the circle. Please reserve your place here (please see the language button on the upper right corner):

Please notice that these tickets cannot be refunded and they are personal only for you. If you want to donate your ticket, please contact This is because there are nowadays some who try to sell false tickets online. Please don’t buy tickets from other places than from the above mentioned Holvi webshop link.

Please note that this Zoom link is only for your personal use. If you wish to take your friends, children, or beloveds with you to the evening, please support our work by purchasing their own tickets for the evening. We wish to donate part of it to the wildlife protection. Thank you!

Information letter and the ZOOM-link:

When you purchase the ticket in the Holvi Web shop, you will receive a receipt, where there is a link to the letter of participation. Please download this letter to your device, as the link doesn’t stay active for long time. In the letter, you receive a welcoming message with the Zoom link to the event, and how to prepare for the Full Moon evening. There is one preliminary assignment for the evening. If you didn’t receive the letter, please e-mail to

Please join the evening only alcohol- and substance free.

Contact: If you have any questions, please contact:

We look very much forward to see you on the 14th of November under the Full Moon and Northern stars!